Evergreen Medical Clinic is a family medical practice
Evergreen Medical Clinic is a family medical practice
with a minor emergency clinic
with a minor emergency clinic
Our Clinic has family doctors providing booked appointments for their patients and walk in services to the general public.
Online booking is only available for patients registered with a Family Physicians in our cinic. Please do not use this link to book complete physical, PAP test or procedures. Online booking can be done using the following link:
Average Wait Time:

- Pre Natal Care and Post Natal Care
- SGI medicals
- Nail Surgeries / Vandenbos Toe Surgeries
- Mole removals
- MSK Joint Steroid injections
- Suture and Staple Removal
- Vaccinations
- Vitamin B12 and Allergy Shots
- Ear Syringing
- Driver's medical forms
- Insurance Forms
- Wart Treatments
- Third-Party Complete Medicals
- Third-Party ECGs
- Skin Tags
Evergreen Medical Clinic offers a number of extra services not covered by government insurance that are subject to fees.